Hope to see you tomorrow at the FPSE Neighborhood Association General Meeting!
When:  September 16th at 6:45 pm (Check future dates)
Where:  For the rest of 2014, we will be meeting at 4317 Vista (Adam’s Park Club).
What:  Agenda
  • Welcome, Carole Anne Von Eschen , FPSENA President
    • Treasurer report, Esther Walker, FPSENA Treasurer
    • Upcoming elections, Adam Kepka, FPSENA Vice President
    • Request for volunteers, Erica Irwin, FPSENA Secretary
  • Development Committee updates, Brooks Goedecker of Park Central Development
  • Dog Park Committee updates, Erica Irwin, Dog Park Committee
  • Updates from Ron Coleman, Neighborhood Improvement Specialist
  • Security updates, Carolyn Compton, CWENSI
  • Bicycle planning, Kelly Harris, Trail Net

Join us after the meeting for the social hour at O’Shay’s Pub

Mark your calendars:

•  GroveFest will be on October 4
•  FPSENA Board nominations are due by October 21 by email to forestparksoutheast@gmail.com