January 2021’s meeting included a Q&A session with the Candidates for 17th Ward Alderperson.
19 January 2021 / Start Time 6:45 PM / Zoom
Audio Transcript (See below for the link to PodCast on Anchor)
00:00 Meeting Called to order at 6:45pm (President, Dan Doelling)
FPSE Neighborhood Business
01:26 Community Announcements
- Brian Adler created and shared a video about Prop D (Approval Voting)
02:36 Treasurer’s Report
- Treasurer Steve Chodes was absent.
- Treasurer’s Report was presented by President Dan Doelling.
- Income for the previous month was $50, with a balance of $2473.33.
03:03 Crime and Safety Report
- Officer Ed Slade was absent. Crime and Safety Report data is provided by WUMCRC and was presented by President Dan Doelling.
- 43 total crimes were reported in FPSE during November 2020. This is a 79% increase compared to November 2019.
- 298 total crimes were been reported in FPSE during 2020, which is a 4% increase compared to 2019.
- Officer Ed Slade emailed “Tips to Protect Your Catalytic Converters”
- park in well lit areas or a garage
- calibrate your car’s alarm to set off when it detects vibration
- engrave your VIN number into your catalytic converter
- be cognizant about suspicious vehicles/people.
05:00 Neighborhood Improvement Specialist Update
- Ron Coleman provided updates about Chouteau Park. The Park Central Developments’s Infrastructure Committee has allocated some of the Alderman’s funds to various projects in Chouteau Park, including a playground and exercise equipment. Before summer 2021, a full sized basketball court will also be installed, in the northwest corner of the park. Other anticipated upgrades include 20 trees that will be planted this spring, some benches, and a garbage can.
- If residents would like a street tree planted at their property, contact Ron Coleman at colemanron@stlouis-mo.gov
08:08 Park Central Development Update
- Updates provided by Alayna Graham, project manager and administrator for the Grove CID and Infrastructure Committee. Email: alayna@pcd-stl.org
- PCD is starting some new programs for FPSE seniors to obtain HVAC systems and snow removal.
- The iconic “Grove” signs are currently being repaired, due to storm damage. The contract is being negotiated with a local company called Piros Sign; estimated cost is $110,000. Expected re-installation will be in 3-4 months. Rather than hanging from cables, the new signs will be attached to a trestle for better security.
- Don DeVivo asked how many times the signs have been replaced; PCD Executive Director Abdul-Kaba Abdullah stated that this is the first time the signs have been replaced. The cost will be partially funded by an insurance claim.
- Grove CID will soon publish a new website.
14:34 Guest Speakers and Discussion: 17th Ward Alderperson Election
15:50 Vice President Brian Adler explained how Prop D (Approval Voting) will change the upcoming election for 17th Ward Aldererspon:
- The primary will occur on March 2, 2021. Unlike the traditional primaries, where you can only vote for one candidate to represent your political party, this year you can vote for all the candidates you like. Then two most well-liked candidates will proceed to a runoff election (called the General Election) which will occur on April 6, 2021.
18:16 17th Ward Alderperson Candidates: Brief Introductions – 3 minutes each
- 18:53 Michelle Sherod. https://www.michelleforstlouis.com
- 21:56 Don DeVivo.
- 25:15 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl. https://tinasweettpihl.com
28:39 17th Ward Candidates: Question & Answer, 90 seconds each
- 1) How would your term as Alderperson be similar or different to Joe Roddy?
- 29:15 Don DeVivo.
- 30:57 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 32:31 Michelle Sherod.
- 2) What role, if any, would PCD have in guiding your decisions?
- 34:12 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 36:00 Michelle Sherod.
- 37:20 Don DeVivo.
- 3) What role, if any, would FPSENA have in guiding your decisions?
- 39:59 Don DeVivo.
- 42:00 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 39:02 Michelle Sherod.
- 4) How do you plan to inform/involve your constituents?
- 43:49 Don DeVivo.
- 44:54 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 46:02 Michelle Sherod.
- 5) What is your strategy to mitigate illegal gunfire on New Years, July 4
- 48:15 Michelle Sherod.
- 49:27 Don DeVivo.
- 50:30 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 6) What are your policies regarding affordable housing & public schools?
- 52:26 Don DeVivo.
- 53:36 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 54:57 Michelle Sherod.
- 7) How will you be transparent? How will you report info to neighbors?
- 56:36 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 57:59 Michelle Sherod.
- 59:06 Don DeVivo.
- 8) Would you continue Alderman Roddy’s use of participatory budgeting (example: Infrastructure Committee recommendation).
- 1:00:41 Michelle Sherod.
- 1:01:35 Don DeVivo.
- 1:02:34 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
1:03:34 17th Ward Candidates: Wrap Up Summary, 60 seconds each
- 1:03:49 Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl.
- 1:05:15 Michelle Sherod.
- 1:06:26 Don DeVivo.
1:07:34 Closing and Adjournment (Dan Doelling)
You can listen to the recording of this month’s meeting on Anchor and wherever you listen to your podcasts.
You can download this month’s minutes below.