Thank you to all who were able to join us for our last week’s meeting. The board strives to make these meetings run efficiently while still providing a forum for neighbors to communicate with one another. If you’ve not been to a meeting recently, we encourage you to come check one out. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, September 17, 6:45 pm at 4317 Vista. And if you’re not able to make the meeting, please join us afterwards for a drink at the Handlebar at 8 pm. It’s always fun and a great way to get to know all the cool people in our neighborhood.

Below are several announcements from last week’s meeting:
– Trailnet is asking us what areas need improvements in order to make them safer and more appealing for walking and biking. Please send suggestions to Debbie Swain at
-Volunteers are needed for Grovefest (Oct. 5). Please contact if interested.
– Next Block Captain meeting is Oct. 9 at 6 pm. More block captains are needed. Contact
-Neighborhood crime updates can be viewed at and a list of key safety phone numbers can be viewed as an attachment to this email.
-Trees are available for neighborhood residents to plant at no charge. Contact Citizen’s Service Bureau at 314-622-4800.
-Healthy Cornerstore Kickoff is August 28, 10-1 pm. -The Dog Park Committee requests that residents in favor of a dog park in Chouteau Park let their support be known by emailing the chair of the infrastructure committee Julie Birkenmaier at
-If you haven’t already seen them, here is a copy of the Safety Contact Numbers for 2013
Thanks for reading!