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The Grove Entertainment District, in the heart of the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood, is experiencing an incredible amount of growth. This once thriving neighborhood commercial district fell on hard times over the decades between 1960 and 2000. As the area rebranded itself as The Grove, a new energy and purpose has taken hold. The district prides itself as being a place for all people to come together and share their unique urban St. Louis culture.

Part one of this series, Boomtown, will highlight the incredible development happening in the Grove Entertainment District. Subsequent parts of this series will highlight the development happening in other parts of the neighborhoods surrounding the Washington University Medical Center campus. There’s no denying the amazing growth of the Grove. Over the past 10 years there has been over 270,000 square feet of development for a total development cost of $27 Million.

grove vital stats

The video below highlights a virtual fly-through of the historic rehabs that have been undertaken, the new infill development that has occurred and the development currently underway and proposed within the district.

flythrough thumbnailYou can view the link here The Grove Fly Through Video



Additionally, the photo essay linked to below shows the transformation that has taken place over the last decade in The Grove through the rehab and redevelopment of dozens of buildings on Manchester. As you’ll see, many of these rehabs are quite astounding to see in the dramatic changes that visionary members of our community have made with many of the commercial buildings on Manchester, having peeled away the dust and decay left by years of deferred attention to reveal new vibrancy and beauty today. Each redevelopment has added a little bit more towards creating an increasingly thriving and exciting environment in the Grove.

prezi screenshotThe Grove 2007 to 2015 photo essay

Physical development of the district is just part of the story. As new retail businesses have opened up in the district, sales have grown exponentially. Since 2009 retail sales in the district have grown from $12.m to $22m in 2015.


A lot has been accomplished over the years in creating one of the most vibrant and diverse commercial districts in the region. What’s most exciting though is the potential that remains and the opportunity to see what will come next! Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to come and experience the district.