February 2021’s meeting included neighborhood updates from Park Central Development.


Meeting Called to order at 6:49pm (President, Dan Doelling)

FPSE Neighborhood Business 

6:45 – 6:55 pm Announcements (Community) 

  • None

6:55 – 7:00 pm Treasurer’s Report (Steve Chodes

  • Steve set VENMO verification phone number to Steve’s personal number; this will need to be changed after next FPSENA election
  • January 31, 2021: total FPSENA savings account balance is $2,619.33

7:00 – 7:05 pm Crime and Safety Report (Officer Ed Slade) 

  • Officer Ed Slade was absent
  • FPSENA did not receive a report from Officer Slade or WUMCRC this month because the Police Department is updating their software. 

7:05 – 7:10 pm Neighborhood Improvement Specialist Update (Ron Coleman) 

  • Ron Coleman was absent but emailed a request: Please ensure your house number on your rear fence or garage is easily visible for emergency vehicles.
  • Dan Doelling shared catalytic converter theft prevention tips

7:10 – 7:20 pm Park Central Development Update (Alayna & Abdul) 

    • Alayna Graham:
      • Grove CID Updates:
        • CID is still negotiating the “GROVE” sign repairs
        • An RFP is out for pedestrian street light banners
      • Park Central Development: 
        • PCD’s Project Clean Air (HVAC) provides duct cleaning for seniors
        • Emergency utility assistance is available till end of month for residents whose utilities have been shut off.  12 residents have benefitted.
        • GAP: Grove Assault Prevention initiative will give training about consent to all businesses in the Grove.
    • Abdul-Kaba Abdullah:
      • 43 people benefitted PCD’s Rental Assistance program
      • PCD plans $300,000 of CARES Act COVID19 mortgage assistance 
      • No updates on the Arco project; community voiced concern about “bait and switch.”  Roddy & PCDDC denied support.
      • Drury is selling their properties in FPSE.  No proposals from new developers are public yet; a Kingshighway development may not require approval if it fits Form Based Code, but a community engagement process will be required if developments are proposed east of the alley occur.  
        • There are no public plans regarding the WUSTL land; WUSTL may hold land for their own internal purposes.
        • No currently proposed projects will exceed $1 million.  
      • Infrastructure upgrades south of Manchester to be paid for by GreenStreet and a CID, as part of the 3rd phase of a WUSTL’s RFP. https://www.union-stl.com/public
      • Updates from PCD’s Infrastructure Committee:  50K from FPSEDC for sidewalks (due to Ward Capital funds going to the Brickline Greenway)
      • Ronald McDonald House update: it recently caught on fire but doesn’t change any plans for RMCH’s demolition and construction of a new building.  No timeline but the project should move forward in the coming year.
      • No update on former Manchester Market; developer may be attempting to acquire land from Science Center.  A mural has been commissioned for the building.
      • Tower Grove Connector will go down Vandeventer; project will start this year.  
        • There will be a community engagement process, to include residents on Vandeventer.  
        • Abdul sits on a related economic development committee 
      • A spa will open at 4400 Chouteau 
      • The Grove CID will be expanded to include Vandeventer north of Chouteau; the change will include businesses like Raising Canes. 

7:20 – 7:25 pm FPSENA Social Events & Committee (Adam) 

  • Looking for ways to meet neighbors?  Help us plan social events for 2021!  To join our social committee; please email forestparksoutheast@gmail.com

7:25 – 7:35 pm Brainstorm questions to ask candidates for Alderperson & Mayor 

  • If you have questions that you’d like candidates for Alderperson and/or Mayor to answer, please email them to forestparksoutheast@gmail.com
  • Feb 22 at 7pm the Midtown Community Services will have a Alderperson Zoom forum, access via https://www.midtownstl.org

Guest Speakers and Discussion 

7:35 – 7:45 pm Q&A with Board and Neighborhood Representatives

  • This conversation will postponed till next month, March 16h

7:45 PM Adjournment (Dan Doelling

You can listen to the recording of this month’s meeting on Anchor and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

You can download this month’s minutes below.