The Forest Park South Business Association (FPSBA) will host the first luncheon of 2015 this month and will welcome Mayor Francis Slay as guest speaker.

The  FPSBA is a membership organization serving commercial establishments in the area bounded by Hampton Avenue on the West, 39th Street on the East, Forest Park Avenue on the North and Interstate 44 on the South.  The organization fosters connections between area businesses and serves to advance the mutual interests of those within its boundaries.  The FPSBA currently has 60 members and a goal of being 100 strong in 2015.  The Association hosts four networking events per year and each member receives two complimentary tickets.  Non-members are welcome to attend these events for $20 per ticket.

If you are a business within the FPSBA boundaries and are interested in joining, please contact Gelinda Connell at 314-262-4082 or  print a form from the Forest Park South Business Asscociationwebsite.

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