This week is set aside to honor victims of crime and look at the many different issues concerning victims and the different ways we can support victims of crime in our communities.  The Forest Park Southeast Community has done a great job of working to support victims.  It’s evident in the revitalization of the neighborhood and in all of the residents I meet that are working towards safety and security in the Forest Park Southeast.  As the neighborhood is a member of the larger St. Louis City community I want to take a moment and recognize that our city does a great job of working to support victims.  We have agencies that have been long-standing members and national leaders in the effort to support victims.    If you find yourself a victim of a crime that occurred in the Forest Park Southeast neighborhood, please reach out to the Neighborhood Court Advocate at 314-454-5808 or at  Below is a list of links to resources in St. Louis and Nationally for assistance and support of victims.  These agencies are either direct service providers or can connect you to a direct service provider of victim support.

Crime Victim Advocacy Center – St. Louis City

Office for Victims of Crime – National

Missouri Department of Safety – Missouri

Victim Service Unit – St. Louis City