September 8th is the last date to apply for Chouteau Greenway Citizen Advisory Committee. Find more info and apply at or contact Elizabeth Simons, office: 314-932-4904 cell: 314-609-9188 email:

September 9th is a FPSE Job Fair, from 11am to 2pm at City Garden School (1618 Tower Grove Ave.) Local job opportunities will be available from restaurants, hospitals, construction, and more. More info: Contact Linda at (314) 535-5311 or

September 15th City Garden School launches the Colorbrave Series, an opportunity for community intergroup dialogues and educational presentations focused on race and bias. Sessions are held at the school, 1618 Tower Grove Ave, and begin at 5:30 pm with a light dinner, followed by a presentation and discussion, concluding at 7:30 pm. Childcare for children ages 3 to 14 is provided. Attendance is free, but registration is required: Contact: Amber Norris, 314-664- 7646,

September 19th at 6:45pm is the next FPSE Neighborhood Association meeting, located at the 4317 Vista (Adam’s Park Club / Elementary). Join our email list or contact us at